LED headlamps are key components in modern cars. Car manufacturers are competing fiercely with each other to have a larger share in the market using LED lighting technology in car interiors, exterior, entertainment systems and so on. Many car designers are taking into LEDs due to their advantageous small sizes which make it possible to be creative with their shapes. In terms of efficiency LED headlights are quick in responding when switched on hitting their maximum brightness within a millionth of a second. This is a very distinctive Novsight LEDs since they minimize the reaction time of the rest of the road users.

 How LED Save Money Compared With Halogen Or HID Bulbs?

How does Novsight LED save money as compared with Halogen or HID bulbs?

Here’s how;


  1. Lifetime

LED bulbs have a longer life as compared to both Halogen and HID bulbs. It is believed that LEDs can last service up to a 1000 times more than the rest which makes them robust. However durability is dependent on other factors such as quality, performance and heat production. Most consumers prefer buying products with long life span as a cost effective measure making LEDs more popular with each passing day.


  1. Low maintenance

Due to their durability and reliability LEDs do not need to be replaced all the time due to failure that is common with the rest of the bulbs. They are relatively dependable as far as performance is concerned with a significantly low maintenance cost as compared to others. Halogen and HID bulbs require regular light fixtures cleaning or replacement making them have a higher maintenance cost.


  1. Reduced energy consumption

LEDs are known for their energy saving abilities. The lesser the level of energy consumption the more the savings for consumers. A lot of energy is wasted in halogen and HID bulbs. This is evident in that you cannot touch these kinds of bulbs when the power is on unless you are on a self-pain infliction mission. On the other hand LEDs are easy to handle without the fear of suffering insurmountable pain due to their low power consumption. Consequently this makes them more cost effective than the rest of the pack.


  1. Cost

It’s no surprise that LEDs are more expensive than HID and Halogen bulbs. Nevertheless they have lower maintenance costs in addition to lower energy consumption which save consumers substantial amounts every year. Repetitive replacing is very common with the traditional bulbs for cars resulting in accumulation of expenses in the end. It is much cheaper buying LEDs at competitive prices and save on numerous extra expenses along the way.

 How LED Save Money Compared With Halogen Or HID Bulbs?


The truth of the matter is that LEDs are more superior to both halogen and HID bulbs in terms of saving money.